Daniel Lee

“Thank you for participating in effort to make our environment a better place to live”

- Kardinal X Vaporasia

Help us, Help you.

In light of “Kwitsmoking” campaign, we would like to extend our act of goodwill in reducing waste of disposable pods device to be recycled - Thus creating vapers awareness in cultivating a greener habit for mother earth.  

Malaysian Vaping

Since the last 10 years, vaping has been sought as an alternative for smokers to quit their addiction. For better health purposes, lifestyle or whatever their reason might be, vaping is undeniably an up-trend among our fellow Malaysians.

“As for users, there are currently more than 1.12 million vapers in Malaysia, as reported in the National Health and Morbidity Survey 2019 conducted by the Ministry of Health. (3 Aug 2021)”

Disposable Trend

The beginning of MCO restriction was a difficult time for everyone, especially for businesses which were still running on a brick & mortar model. Tight curfews, minimum operating hours and in some cases people are forced to work from home. Naturally vapers are looking for a more convenient quick fix to curb their needs of vaping or smoking habits. Disposable Pod E-Cigarettes quickly gain popularity in demand, known for its simplicity, no-hassle and reasonable price. Many vapers quickly pickup on the Disposable Pod, instead of using the usual E-Cigarettes device.

Unlike the Disposable Pod device, you won’t have to worry about replacing your coils, cartridges and refilling e-juice. As the name “Disposable Pod” suggests, once the battery or e-juice runs out - you basically just throw them away.

How we can save environment    

Now comes the question, since the increase of Disposable Pod usage is growing at large. How do we play our part in providing a greener environment? This is where we are creating awareness to vapers especially - to dispose more responsibly by dumping the disposable pods to shopping malls recycling area, designated recycling battery wastage and of course Vaporasia is part of this campaign to help in recycling as well.